Governor Asa Hutchinson announced that school district data reflecting the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in each school district will be reported on the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) website. Additionally, trend information on new cases in school district zones can be found on the Arkansas Center for Health Improvement (ACHI) website. MPV has a Point of Contact (POC) identified to be the liaison with ADH and a process in place to help minimize the risk in out schools. As cases associated with students or staff in the school district are confirmed, those individuals will be notified by health department officials. Any student or staff member who has been identified as a probable close contact will be notified by health department officials or the District POC and will be advised of next steps. For the privacy of students and staff, MPV will not be sharing any detailed information related to individual cases. We are committed to providing the safest learning environment and will continue to follow guidance by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) in conjunction with the Arkansas Department of Health.
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Saturday, August 29th is a Virtual Learning Day. Principals and teachers will inform students of the day’s assignment. Teaches and Principals will be available on Saturday via email if needed. Please call your school principal if you have questions. Encourage all students to engage with the planned assignment.
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV School District: Issues regarding our phone system have been resolved.
over 4 years ago, Andrew Jernegan
MPV School District: We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our phone system. We are working on resolving this problem as quickly as possible and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
over 4 years ago, Andrew Jernegan
Important reminders for the health and safety of our students, staff and community: 1. Please make sure to have an updated phone number on file with your child’s school. 2. Please keep children home if they are running fever, coughing, or generally appear to be ill. . 100.4 and above is the unacceptable temperature but any fever should be reason to keep a child at home during COVID-19. 3. Put a mask on your child before they get on the bus. 4. If a child appears to be ill the bus driver may take a child’s temperature with a touch-less thermometer. Please be available if possible if there is a need to keep the child home. 5. If you have a young child riding the bus please try to be with them at the bus stop. 6. Please be at the bus stop early the first few days in order to become familiar with the arrival time each morning. 7. Parents dropping off children at school should not get out of car to go to classrooms. Contact your principal if there is a need to do otherwise. 8. All visitors should wear a mask and check in at the respective school office. 9. Please be patient as we all do our best to follow ADH guidelines and keep our children healthy. 10. Positive cases within our student body or staff should be reported to the Point of Contact (POC) for MPV Schools, Mr. Anthony Hood. Phone numbers are: 479-997-8469 or 479-297-1948. 11. Marvin Primary Phone number is 479-997-1495, Pleasant View Campus 479-997-8469 and Mulberry High School is 479-997-1363. Please call your school principal if you have questions. We love our kids and can’t wait to see them. We are optimistic and excited to begin the year!
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Breakfast and lunch will be available to MPV Virtual Students. In order to reserve meals for your children, you may request meals from the nearest cafeteria or the cafeteria of your choice. Please call the office at the campus you choose before 9:00 a.m. This will allow the needed time for cafeteria staff to prepare the number of meals ordered. The meals may be picked up in the front office at each respective school between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m. Mulberry High School—997-1363 Pleasant View Campus—997-8469 Marvin Primary—997-1495
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
From MPV Administration: The Revised 2020-21 School Calendar will be on the website. An updated informational letter concerning the starting of school will also be on the website.
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV Administration: We understand everyone is a bit anxious about getting information concerning the start of school. The difficulty of releasing plans to this point has been the ever changing directives and guidelines from the department of education and Arkansas Department of Health. Even yesterday, we were informed that we would have to change the date for starting school. When we do send information, we want to be as accurate as humanly possible. Toward that end, the District plans to release a letter to parents and community during the week of July 20th. That date will be one month before school starts on August 24th. We are hopeful the Arkansas Department of Health and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for Arkansas will be fairly certain of their expectations for us by then. It is important to understand that information could change after that date depending on the status of COVID-19. We appreciate your patience and can’t wait to see our students!
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
The Governor announced today that schools would not be allowed to start until August 24th. We will anticipate starting that day. Some adjustments will have to be made to our school calendar but we will work through that as promptly as possible. The MPV School District’s number one priority is our students and we are looking forward to seeing each student on the 24th. Keep looking for updates from the District as we prepare for a successful year.
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
ArtUp invites you to help celebrate the 4th of July. The celebration is called “Chalk the Walk” and all get a free snow cone if a work of art is completed in a pre-marked social distance space provided. Chalk for the project is provided. Hot Dogs and Snow Cones will be for sale as well. This event is Saturday, June 27th in Downtown Mulberry. We encourage MPV students to take advantage of this fun experience provided by ArtUp!
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV Administration: Parents and Guardians will be receiving a letter from Dr. Myers concerning returning to school. It is somewhat general in nature with many more specifics coming later in July as we get closer to school. For now the District is attempting to obtain a close estimate as to how many parents will send students back to school (with safety guidelines in place being followed) and how many parents will most likely prefer remote (at home learning) via technology. We will also offer a blended program using some instruction face to face and some instruction done remotely. In summary, the letter basically will ask you to contact your principal if remote learning is what you fully expect to do. Please don’t worry about this being a final answer. We are simply attempting to determine how many students we may be serving remotely. Thanks and we appreciate you!
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
All report cards that have not been picked up at the school site are now located at the Administration Building located at 424 Alma Avenue. You may pick them up between the hours of 8:30-2:30 Monday-Friday.
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Message from MPV Administration: MPV School District will have a Title 1 Evaluation and Planning meeting June 15th, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. in the District Administration Building. Parents and Guardians are invited to attend in order to help us plan on how to most effectively support our students.
over 4 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Pleasant View parents and students: This is a reminder that this Thursday, May 21 is the last Thursday for packet drop off. Please turn in the following from 1 pm to 6 pm: all completed work, any checked out chromebooks and chargers, and/or any checked out musical instruments. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Anthony Hood
MPV School District: The Federal Programs Parent Survey is very important and will be helpful to us in planning for future instruction.
almost 5 years ago, Andrew Jernegan
25 meals left today (May 13). Come to front of Mylberry High School now. First Come-First Served!
almost 5 years ago, Lonnie Myers
Pleasant View will be hosting its annual Literacy Night this Thursday from 1 to 6 pm. Due to restrictions, Literacy Night will be different this year and will be curbside. We will pass out books to our students curbside until supplies last. Names will be collected and there will be a 5th and 6th drawing and a 7th and 8th drawing for a Kindle. There will also be drawings for some baskets.
almost 5 years ago, Anthony Hood
Coach Edwards is requesting that baseball uniforms be returned to Mulberry High Schoo tomorrow, May 7th.
almost 5 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV Administration: 1. If you are interested in a grab and go program for lunch this summer please notify the district by calling 479-997-1715. We have only had 25 responses and will need more responses to justify having the program. The meals would be picked up at Mulberry High School. 2. Meals will be delivered on Monday and Friday of next week (May 11 and May 13). 3. AMI Packet drop off and pick up is tomorrow 1p.m.—7:00 p.m. (May 7th) 4. If you have a student entering Kindergarten or are interested in the Pre-Kindergarten program, please contact Mrs. Hopkins and Mrs. Thomas on the Marvin Campus. 5. We love our students and we miss seeing them.
almost 5 years ago, Lonnie Myers
MPV Administration message: 1. Meals go out today. The meal sacks will include school day meals through Monday morning, May 4th. 2. Our last meal delivery for the school year will be Wednesday, May 20th which will be enough to last through Tuesday, May 26th. 3. We are surveying parents as to if parents and/or children would come to Mulberry High School once a week for a “grab and go bag” this summer which would contain food for one week.Please contact Reba King at 997-1363 or the the administration building at 997-1715. Please just say yes, I would participate in a grab and go at Mulberry High School this summer. 4. AMI drop off and pick up is tomorrow, Thursday the 30th of April. The last AMI day will be Thursday, May 21st. 5. Coach Edwards has requested that baseball players return uniforms to Mulberry High School on Thursday, May 7th. 6.We love our students and we miss them!
almost 5 years ago, Lonnie Myers